Sunday, March 9, 2008

When I was listening to the Zaireeka experiment in class last Tuesday I couldn’t help but think, wow this is insane. To me it was just an absolutely crazy experiment but I kind of liked it. I thought it was really trippy and cool when the CD players were in perfect sync with each other at the beginning of the experiment, but even after they became out of sync it was still pretty cool. During one of the songs It really reminded me of the Elton John song “Rocket Man”. Which immediately made me think of the Bill Shatner version and caused me to laugh a little. I did some research and found that the name Zaireeka comes form the two words Zaire and Eureka. The country Zaire was used to symbolize anarchy, and of course Eureka which means I have found it.
I wouldn’t be opposed to listening to this CD (or four CD’s) again because I think that it is something that can be interpreted in many different ways.
I am really impressed with the way that the CD’s did come together to make an amazing sound. I’m no musical expert but the way that they were able to put those sounds together is very amazing. I especially liked in Track 7 the way that the piano and the trap set came together and made an awesome sound. My other favorite part about this experiment was that it was like surround sound in the class room. I really like that because if you turned your head just a little bit, there was a completely different sound.

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